Portrait4D: Learning One-Shot 4D Head Avatar Synthesis using Synthetic Data
CVPR 2024


Portrait4D turns a monocular image into a photorealistic 4D head avatar via a simple feed-forward process.


Existing one-shot 4D head synthesis methods usually learn from monocular videos with the aid of 3DMM reconstruction, yet the latter is evenly challenging which restricts them from reasonable 4D head synthesis. We present a method to learn one-shot 4D head synthesis via large-scale synthetic data. The key is to first learn a part-wise 4D generative model from monocular images via adversarial learning, to synthesize multi-view images of diverse identities and full motions as training data; then leverage a transformer-based animatable triplane reconstructor to learn 4D head reconstruction using the synthetic data. A novel learning strategy is enforced to enhance the generalizability to real images by disentangling the learning process of 3D reconstruction and reenactment. Experiments demonstrate our superiority over the prior art.



Overview of our method.

For high-quality head avatar synthesis from a single image, we first learn a 4D generative head model from monocular images to synthesize large-scale 4D data of diverse identities, expressions, and poses. Then, we utilize the synthetic data to learn a one-shot 4D head reconstruction model in a data-driven manner.


Architecture of the 4D head reconstruction model.

Architecture of our one-shot 4D head reconstruction model. An encoder Eglobal first extracts the appearance feature map of a source image Is. The feature map is then sent to a canonicalization and reenactment module Φ consisting of a de-expression module Φde and a reenactment module Φre sharing the same structure, which receives motion features from either Is or Id for expression neutralization or motion injection accordingly. The reenacted feature map is then concatenated with a detail feature map from another encoder Edetail, and sent to a decoder GT to synthesize a tri-plane T , bearing the appearance of Is and the motion of Id. With a FLAME-derived 3D deformation field Dneck to handle neck pose and a volumetric renderer with 2D super-resolution, T can be rendered to a reenacted image Ire at an arbitrary viewpoint. A U-Net is further introduced to handle background synthesis.


Motion and View Inpterpolation

Here is an interactive viewer allowing for interpolations between motions (i.e. expressions and neck poses) and camera viewpoints. Drag the blue cursor around to change the attributes and observe the synthesized results in the middle.

Input Image
Synthesized Head Avatar
Motion and View Coordinates
(Linear interpolation between motions and camera viewpoints.)

Geometry Visualization

We can extract geometries of the reconstructed head avatars via Marching Cubes thanks to the underlying 3D representation. The reasonable head geometries guarantee our strong 3D consistency under pose changes.


We compare our method with state-of-the-art one-shot head avatar synthesis approaches. Our method yields better reconstruction fidelity and maintains more reasonable head geometries under large pose variations. Compared to previous 3D-based methods, we support full head motion control with neck pose included as well as background separation.

More Results

We show more head synthesis results on monocular images. Our method synthesizes vivid talking heads of diverse identities.


  title     = {Learning One-Shot 4D Head Avatar Synthesis using Synthetic Data},
  author    = {Deng, Yu and Wang, Duomin and Ren, Xiaohang and Chen, Xingyu and Wang, Baoyuan},
  journal   = {arXiv:2311.18729},
  year      = {2023},